New to Downey?

From Pastor Melody...
Hello and welcome to the Downey Avenue Christian Church website. On behalf of our entire church community, thank you for taking the time to get to know us through our site.
At Downey, you'll find ministry teams investing in relationships with our neighbors and other community partners through loving acts of service. You'll find children and youth who are learning what it means to claim a faith that resonates with them. You'll find a love for one another that runs deep and true. You'll find small groups engaged in conversations about the Bible and other sacred texts. You'll find a worship service that celebrates our faith tradition without belittling the traditions of others. Most of all, though, you'll find the love of God extended to you, right where you are, for who you are.
Feel free to connect with me if you'd like to know more about any or all of these areas of community life at Downey. Then, when you're ready, come worship with us, either in the building or online, and join us in our mission to be "Transformed by God's radical love to build a welcoming church, a just community, and a sustainable world."
Pastor Melody
Our mission at Downey is to be...
Transformed by God's Radical Love to Build:
A Welcoming Church, a Just Community, and a Sustainable World.
If you resonate with such a mission, you are joyously invited.
Sunday Morning Worship - 10:15 a.m.
Adult Sunday School Classes - 9:00 a.m.
If there are ways we can make your visit with Downey a more meaningful experience,
please reach out to: communications@downeyavenue.com

Children & Youth
We love kids at Downey! Kiddos of all ages are welcome to worship in the sanctuary with their family. A noisy kiddo will not distract the Pastors, please don't be worried about that.
If you'd prefer, children under 3 are welcome in our nursery, with Ms. Cindy. Children ages 3 to the 3rd grade are invited to Worship & Wonder, which happens during the sermon portion of the worship service.
Busy bags filled with fidget toys and games
are also available for children of any age.
Youth Group (6th graders - 12 graders)
The Youth Group meets immediately after Worship on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Often we use this gathering for a fellowship outing, and youth group always includes lunch!

What to Wear? What to Bring?
Come as you are to Downey Avenue in whatever clothing feels most comfortable to you. Most of us tend to dress casually.
While we collect an offering on Sundays, if you are new to Downey - please don't feel obligated to give. We use a screen in Worship to project scripture and songs, so no bibles or hymnals are required (although we have them too). Just bring an open mind and gentle heart, God will do the rest.
Need Assistance?

A Church Deacon is stationed at the Welcome Center each Sunday, both before and after worship, should you have any questions. If it's your first time visiting, be sure to check in at the Welcome Center for a welcome gift.
Assisted Listening Devices
If you need assistance hearing, stop by our
Welcome Center to pick up an assisted listening device so you won't miss a moment of the worship service.
Our building offers an accessible entrance on the south side of the church, on Hibben Avenue, accessible gender-neutral restrooms, and accessible seating in the sanctuary.

Weekly Communion
Gathering every week at Christ's table has been a Disciple tradition since the beginning of the Restoration Movement, in 1832. As was Jesus' table, a Disciples table is always open to any and all who desire to partake.
We invite folks to come forward to receive communion, the juice is served in individual single-use cups. A Deacon will release pews front back to front, and has with them a communion tray for those who prefer to remain seated. A Pastor stands on either side of the communion station for those who desire a word of prayer in that moment.
We use juice instead of wine and vegan/GF crackers for the bread, for the folks with common dietary restrictions.